Friday, July 24, 2009

Phil Willis Animation Website Launched

It's taken me a while, but I've finally finished the new-look Phil Willis animation website.

Complete with bio, contact details, animation showreel and a list of projects and events I've been working on - it's the best place to see what I'm up to at any given point.

I'll still keep posting work-in-progress on the blog here, but for "finished" animation, check my personal website first:

Friday, June 12, 2009

Egyptian scene - final

It's done! After a lot of simplification, here is the final shot.

I still think there are some changes I could make, but I'm happy with it for the time being.

And so ends another class at Animation Mentor. Now I just need to update my showreel and I'm done. For a week.

Next class: Intro to Acting ...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Egyptian discovery week 2

After some notes from my mentor, she really wanted me to change the first and last parts.

I'm so glad for Nicole's feedback too. I think it's a much better shot.

Although - I still have concerns that with the 200 frame limit I'm going through all the ideas I want to cover very quickly.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A physical pharoah shot

This is my last shot for this class on advanced body mechanics.

I really wanted to do a heavy push, just because it's one of the key physical tests you need to get right in order to correctly show the weight of objects in your animation.

Getting the right reversals in the spine and showing the strain are important.

My set design is pretty basic at this stage, but given how little time I have, I'd rather get the animation blocked in first.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Final commando shot

Wow - well there was no doubt this was the hardest shot I've had to do yet.

So much physical action, and so many things to pay attention to.

If I get a chance I wouldn't mind going in and really polishing the final 10% into this one, but all things considered I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Command climb

Here's the first blocking pass of my next shot.

It's my first time doing a run, as well as putting some physical climbing and jumping in there as well.

Lots of great action in there. Hopefully I can pull it off and make it look realistic and entertaining.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weight lifting final

I'm pretty happy with the way this one turned out.

It was interesting that for once, there were not that many changes in poses or timing between the first blocking pass and the final.

Definitely makes it easier to get it right early, rather than trying to fix it in subsequent passes.